Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Seven...

Day Seven…                                                                                                                          Monday 10th October

Monday, the beginning of the school week again. Remembering last Friday’s disaster teaching episode, we were fully prepared to ensure that there was no repeat.

The booklets that we made for four hours last night paid off… they worked so well and this means that my planning for the next 2 weeks has been reduced because I will be using them… today the kids did the letters A and B and the numbers 1 and 2. It worked so well and they had a blast (as well as me hahaha). We made a green apple by tearing and gluing paper and we also made butterflies using paint blobs. The kids thought the butterflies were the greatest thing. They were so proud of it so I am hanging them in the new library. Today we also spent the whole morning sanding and painting the first coat on the chairs and tables to go in the new library. Holy shit, I think I lost 2 kilos sweating it off… in the hot sun, sanding back big tables… that’s hard/hot work for me. We got it done though and they look amazing. The chairs and tables are painted in the primary colours (and green haha) inspired by my last prac class…

The kids at the centre are so excited about the library and we haven’t even finished yet. It is looking 100 times better though however, a bit of our storage zone at the moment.

After returning home, showering our bodies and having dinner we went to the “Lucky Super market” to stock up on our junk food supplies. All we have been eating is rice and soup so we thought it was well earned that we would buy junk food… 1 bag of shit later and the 2 kilos sweated off today will be back on my arse in no time!
To add to that, we thought it was a good idea that we stop at the “Blue Pumpkin” again for ice cream/dessert this time. Delicious!

The trek home was very interesting… as Siem Reap is severely flooded at the moment, about shin height, we had to walk through the flooding water to get ice-cream for starters then on the way back we caught the batman tuk tuk… It would seem that the driver may have possibly had his dinner at Happy Pizza because he was hilarious. His Tuk Tuk didn’t have a horn and therefore the whole trip her was screaming out “Beep Beep” and then going down to our street (VERY flooded) he started laughing hysterically and called himself the ‘Boat Tuk Tuk”… I think it was one of those ‘you had to be there’ moments, but we all lost our shit!

Getting back to the hotel and cutting more paper, making cats, making dogs and heading to bed. I feel that this week is going to consist of a lot of the same things… boring for my Blog but tiring for me. Wish me luck for tomorrow… I think we will be starting our mural in the library tomorrow… Exciting!

Until then
Kim xxx

P.s my cold is getting WORSE… DAMN IT!!
This mornings Flood
Sanding the Tables

Painting the tables

Me steering Keena with her head whilst crossing the flooded street

Keena carrying me across the Flooding water :P

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